Call for papers
The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS) is a forum bringing together participants from the worlds of research, industry and government agencies sharing interest in various forms of surveillance. It was previously held in Genoa, Italy (2009), Santa Fe, USA (2008), London, UK (2007) and Sydney, Australia (2006).
It is financially and technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (PAMI TC) and IEEE Signal Processing Society (IVMSP TC), with in-kind contributions from Boston University.
AVSS focuses on underlying theory, methods, systems, and applications of surveillance and welcomes contributions in areas listed below; cross-disciplinary and game-changing contributions are of particular interest. The list of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to:
Paper Submission
Full-length papers, 4-8 pages long, are being solicited. Detailed submission instructions will be posted on the conference website in due time. Each submission will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two experts. The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.
Call for AVSS-NIST Challenge
AVSS 2010 will include a special session covering an open evaluation. Video sequences, provided by NIST and Home Office UK, will be distributed and performance evaluation will be carried out. Motion tracks of a designated people as they traverse a multi-camera field in airport surveillance videos will be judged.
PETS 2010 Workshop
This year Performance Evaluation of Tracking Systems (PETS) workshop will be held in conjunction with the AVSS 2010. PETS is a full-day workshop on Sunday August 29. For participation and contributions contact to James Ferryman.
Call for Workshops
AVSS 2010 will include a number of workshops before the conference on Sunday August 29. Proposals for workshops should be submitted to Andrea Cavallaro by March 19, 2010. Proposals should include the list of authors who have agreed to participate the workshop, the list of organizers, abstract of each paper, and submission deadlines.

Currently, in its 7th edition, the conference will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, one of the premier academic hubs in the world, at Boston University's Photonics Center.